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Suzanna El Mogazi was a Girl Scout as a youth and signed her son up for Pack 424 in Katy, Texas as a Tiger as soon as he was old enough. The pack needed a second Tiger leader badly so she stepped up. It was terrifying but wound up being the greatest thing ever. She led nine boys for Tigers and Wolves. This past summer her family moved to Atyrau, Kazakhstan for her husband’s work. Their compound had Girl Scouts established but no Cub Scouts. For that matter, there was no Kazakhstan Cub Scout pack at all for her son to join.
So with the help of the Transatlantic Council, and the Dostyk American International School, Susanna started a new Cub Scout pack – Pack 88 in Atyrau, Kazakhstan.
Now she leads the Bear den of 6 boys and is also the Cubmaster. We talked for about 40 minutes, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. It’s a great conversation where we covered
Resources Mentioned
William D. Boyce New Unit Award (includes directions for starting a new unit)
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