11 Steps for Recruiting Scout Parents

Recruiting Scout Parents

“How do I get the parents in my den to help out?” might be the most common question I see from the people I know running Cub Scout packs. It’s also the most important, by far. Packs that are getting enough help tend to run a great program, which in turn helps you keep the scouts … Read more

My Reasons for Joining Rotary

joining rotary

Rotary International was founded on February 23, 1905, in Chicago by attorney Paul Harris. His idea was that “professionals from diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships, and give back to their communities.” The name “Rotary” comes from rotating meetings at the offices of the members. Currently, Rotary International has 1.2 million members in … Read more

New Cub Scout Leader Survival Guide

new cub scout leader

Step One: Attitude So, you’re a new Cub Scout leader. Are you ready to have fun? Do you care about providing a great program for the kids in your charge? You can have the worst day at work, but you’ve got to let all of that go before your Cub Scout meeting. Let the excitement … Read more

Cub Scout Joining Night Checklist

Cub Scout Joining Night Checklist

So, it’s September. Packs all over the country will be doing Joining Nights in the next month. Over the years, I’ve run and helped run a lot of Cub Scout joining nights. So here’s a quick Cub Scout joining night checklist of some things you’re going to want to have in place at your recruiting event. This … Read more

My Top 10 Reasons to Sign Your Son Up For Cub Scouts

cub scouts

This September is a great time to sign your son in Kindergarten through 5th grade up for Cub Scouts. All over the country, Cub Scout packs will be welcoming new members. They’ll be holding joining nights where you can sign up your boy for an adventure that will prepare him for life. My mom signed … Read more

Generous People Are All Around You.

It’s really tempting to be cynical. Especially when watching the news. There’s a lot of negativity out there. It’s easy to think the world is filled with wicked people. And to be frank, some of them are. But they’re a small minority. The encouraging thing is generous people are all around you. Generous People Two-thirds … Read more

Treasure Valley Camp Staff Goes the Extra Mile

treasure valley camp staff

Here’s a story that’s not going to make the front page of the paper. It’s not going to lead the evening news. But it says everything about what Scouting produces – character. The Treasure Valley Camp Staff went above and beyond the call of duty to help a young Scout. Troop 159 from Brookfield was attending … Read more

7 Tips to Get Mentally Ready for Camp

ready for camp

So, the other day I wrote about some of the things you’d want to bring to camp as a first time leader. Now, here are some of the intangibles to make your life a little bit easier. In addition to getting yourself physically ready for camp, it helps to be mentally ready. In today’s economy, … Read more

7 Things to Do Right Now To Get Ready For Fall Recruiting

Fall Cub Scout Recruiting

So, right now most packs are thinking about Day Camp, or Resident Camp, or the Fourth of July Parade. They may be doing one of the things listed in our Summer Recruiting Guide. But most of them are thinking that fall recruiting is a long ways away. But the days until school’s get back in … Read more

Cub Scout Day Camp Downtime Activities

Cub Scout Day Camp Downtime

Cub Scout Day Camp Downtime So, you’re a Den Leader for Day Camp. Congratulations, you’ve got one of the most exhausting, fun, and unforgettable experiences ahead of you. There will be lots of activities for them to be running around, and to tire them out, so that bit’s handled. There will be things like archery, … Read more