
The way I keep this website free is by recommending products and services. These are “affiliate links”. If you purchase something through one of my links, I get a small percentage of the purchase price. You don’t pay any extra for doing so. I use all of these products, and recommend them with no reservations. I love them, and I think you will too.


If you’re shopping on Amazon, please consider doing so through my link. It helps keep this site running, and doesn’t add anything to your cost.

Custom mugs, hats, shirts, jewelry, etc

Are you looking to design your own hats, mugs, shirts, jewelry, etc – and make money doing it? Sign up on Gearbubble today. No upfront costs. All you need to provide is the design and the marketing. They make the product, and even do the shipping for you.

Stop forgetting passwords

Dashlane is one of my favorite products. Makes my life so, so much easier – it remembers all of your passwords, and the best thing is, it’s free!

Web Hosting

I use Bluehost for hosting all of my websites.

you need a logo, you don’t need to spend a lot for it.

Teach Your Kids Liberty and Economics

The Tuttle Twins Series will help you teach your kids the principles of liberty and economics that they probably aren’t getting in school.
