Make Sure You See Facebook Posts of the People You Want

See Facebook Posts

If you’re unfamiliar with Facebook’s Algorithm, it decides what you see in your feed. When you’ve got hundreds of friends, and you like lots of pages, there’s only so much room in your feed. Here’s a quick tutorial to help you see Facebook posts from the people you want to see the most.

Facebook tries to figure out what you want to see, and what you’re not that interested in. Since it’s a program, it’s guessing – but it’s making an educated guess based on your relationships, and how many times you react (like or share) that person’s feed.

In order to make sure you see what you want from these people, you have a few options.

First, go to your friend’s page, and click on the button that says, “following.”

Then, when a drop-down menu appears, click on “See first”.

This will move your friend’s posts to the top of your news feed.

If that’s not enough for you, you can also make sure you get a notification every time they post.

Click on “Get Notifications” to get a notification every time they post.

You can also indicate that they’re close friends to see more of their posts. Marking acquaintances will make you see less.

You can do this quickly for a lot of friends by going into your friends list, and selecting the “friends” button next to each picture. You’ll get the same “get notifications” and “close friends” options that you get in the last picture, but you’ll be able to make the changes for a lot of your friends at once – so it’s a bit of a time-saver.




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