7 Things to Do Right Now To Get Ready For Fall Recruiting

Fall Cub Scout Recruiting

So, right now most packs are thinking about Day Camp, or Resident Camp, or the Fourth of July Parade. They may be doing one of the things listed in our Summer Recruiting Guide. But most of them are thinking that fall recruiting is a long ways away. But the days until school’s get back in … Read more

Don’t Feel Guilty Asking People to Do Good

feel guilty asking

Why You Feel Guilty Asking One of the biggest roadblocks to people recruiting volunteers, or raising money is guilt. People are naturally feel guilty asking for things. We’re trained that asking for thing makes us look weak. It also makes us feel vulnerable. We hate hearing the word no. Nobody really likes being told no. … Read more

How a Game of Catch Helped Build a Little League

little league

This eveningĀ I’m running practice for my son’s Little League T-Ball team. The regular head coach has to be somewhere else, so I’m subbing. It got me thinking of the first time I volunteered to coach a Little League team, back in 1998. I think there’s a pretty good lesson to be learned from it, although … Read more

Build the Connections you Need with A Community Power Matrix

One of the keys to non-profit success is a connection to your community – and not your community in the abstract. But specifically, who are the leaders in your community? Who are the people who know everyone? Who’s involved in everything? Who do you need to be talking to in your community in order to … Read more

Volunteer Prospecting – Gold in Them Thar’ Hills

volunteer prospecting

Volunteer Prospecting Recruiting volunteers is a daunting task. Most people would rather do just about anything else rather than ask for something “for nothing.” So the key to success is volunteer prospecting. Most people would also much rather take the easy way out. They know they need money, so they want to run to the … Read more